Zabel - Local prosecutor called to the bench: Giulia Gambacorta's Superior Court appointment came Monday

Local prosecutor called to the bench: Giulia Gambacorta's Superior Court appointment came Monday, but pandemic puts next steps on hold - ProQuest:

 In 2017, having left the Crown's office to start her own practice and teach at Osgoode Law School, Gambacorta took on another high-profile case, this time representing a judge with whom she worked for years at the John Sopinka Courthouse. Ontario Court Justice Bernd Zabel was facing disciplinary measures and widespread criticism after wearing a Trump-ian "Make America Great Again" hat into his courtroom. Judges are expected to abstain from making political statements - particularly while presiding in the courtroom. In the end, Zabel received a 30-day suspension from the Ontario Judicial Council. "Justice Zabel is an exceptional judge who made a terrible mistake," Gambacorta told the media at the time. "What happened to Justice Zabel reminds us that judges are fallible too."